École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Patrick Ben Soussan

    Born in 1963, Patrick Ben Soussan is an architect and has taught studio projects at the School of Architecture, Cities, and Regions -East Paris since 2012, previous to which he had taught at the Rennes Architecture School in Brittany.

    In 1990, Patrick Ben Soussan founded the firm Quintet whose projects center on architecture, urban design, on the urban project, and the development of public space.

    From 1995 - 1998, Patrick Ben Soussan worked in conjunction with the architect Pierre Sorja (co-designer of the Institute du Monde Arabe [Arab World Institute] Équerre d’argent prize, and the Aga Khan prize) in the framework of numerous competitions and project realizations.

    • Enseigne en Licence – Responsable du champ Projet
    • Enseigne en Master – Cours optionnels
    • Enseigne en Post-master
    • Enseigne en Post-master

    Activité de praticien

    • Architecte fondateur de l'agence Quintet

    Revue de presse (sélection)
    Détails d'architecture du 01/02/2010

    cyberarchi du 28/01/2010

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