École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires


    The degree, delivered by an accredited public institution of higher education, confers on its holder the grade and title of doctor. Doctoral training is organized within doctoral schools. The School's laboratory, the Observatoire de la condition suburbaine [OCS], is part of the doctoral school "Ville, Transports et Territoires" (VTT), which is supported by the Université Paris-Est and has the originality of displaying as its central themes those of the city, transport and territories. The doctoral students of the School are therefore welcomed within OCS, affiliated to the VTT School and registered with the Comue Université Paris-Est.

    En bref
    Crédits ECTS : 420
    Durée : 3 ans
    Niveau d'études : bac + 8

    Schéma des études

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