École d’architecture
de la ville & des territoires

Activity report

    Created in 1998, the School of Architecture of the City and Territories is one of the 20 French national schools of architecture. Its educational project is based on a conception of architecture committed to the transformation of the city and its territories.

    In 2016-2017, the School of Architecture was involved in many structuring projects.
    Through the contract of objectives that it signed with the Ministry of Culture, it specified its institutional project for the next five years.
    To achieve its objectives, it has set in motion numerous actions contributing in particular to the influence of the activities of its research laboratory or to the articulation of its teaching to new global "energy conditions".
    As a player in the physical and urban transformation of its campus, it has continued its commitment to a local community of institutions and to the various socio-economic players in its area. Through the FUTURE project, which received the I-SITE label in February 2017 and in which it is actively involved, the École d'architecture has embarked on an ambitious scientific adventure that will lead, in January 2020, to the creation of a new university of which it is now a component institution.

    Rapport d'activité 2019-2020

    Rapport d'activité 2018-2019

    Rapport d'activité 2017-2018

    Rapport d'activité 2016-2017

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